BEAD at it’s simplest, captures and transmits attendance data. Start, end, break.

However there is more to it than that. With the data stored in our secure cloud, monthly timesheets can be generated either individually or in summary and emailed to you. Or, if you have an existing HR system the data can be imported to there for your further processing.

In addition, the data can be aggregated, summarised and reported to your handphone – some clients like to see a daily summary report of Attendance In / Out. Or further still, a detail report on those still on site.

BEAD uses a thumbprint reader for the biometrics. It has been vigorously tested on a number of construction and factory sites and we can give you references to existing clients to let them tell you for themselves that it works very well. Being portable enables rapid deployment – no need to wait for data and electrical cabling to be installed.

We use RFID tags for identifying the location. We have been asked why we don’t use GPS – go inside a large building and you will understand – no signal means no location. In our system, the RFID tags can be meaningfully named such as Kelana Jaya MRT Station Door A. Use your naming scheme to enable easy understanding for your company.

BEAD also comes in two variants being WiFi or Mobile Data enabled. Mobile data is suited for temporary work sites and outdoors whereas WiFi is obviously better if you have it available.

We think BEAD is great. We hope you do too!

The Benefits

Time saving
easy admin
employee location

Your Data : Realtime that enables and enhances business efficiency was the driver for the set-up of Empowered Data. All of our products and solutions are built with these two principles in mind for our clients: It should either make more money or reduce operational cost. In business nothing else matters.

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